Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hey Y'all

It's Tuesday... which means there are still four more days til the weekend. Does anyone else feel like they are living for the weekend? I feel like that a lot.. Ha ha. So to brighten my mood and hopefully yours if you are reading this, here is some funny/awesome/random stuff I found on Pinterest. :) Enjoy!Love Alan Rickman... Love that he said this.

I totally hate those commercials. So true!

Ha ha! I got a pocket got a pocket full of sunshine! I got a love and I know that it's all mine WHOA! Whaohhh!

Star Wars Nesting Dolls... Lol I'm a geek.

I can't stand stupid people... Sorry.

So sweet. :)

Yeah, I need this warning sign pinned to my head..

This is just cool.

Cheerfully Yours,
P.S. I still can't stop thinking about Crossed by Ally Condie. If you haven't read it yet, repent now and read it asap.

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