Even though we are not even
halfway through November, I just can't wait to write about the last couple
of books I read! Somehow in
the past week I managed to fly
through two books. I am not quite sure
how that happened with
homework and everything, but
I am not going to try too hard to
figure that one out. Ha ha.
The first book I read was
Destined, #9 in the
House of Night series by P.C. and Kristin Cast. Before I continue, I just have to say that these
books are just for fun. If
you are looking for deep, literary "genius" writing, these are not
the books for you. But if you just want a
good story, funny sarcasm, and
unique characters, then this is a good one. These books are
about Vampyres and have a lot of
Cherokee myth woven through them as well, which is
one thing I love about them.
Zoe is our main girl, and she's kinda funny yet
kinda annoying.
She has had a billion (OK,
like 4 or 5) boyfriends, but finally in this book
she has whittled that number down to one (however, I'm
not sure how long that will last either). Basically,
Zoe and her circle of friends each have an
affinity with a certain element (earth, air, water, fire, spirit). They must
stop the evil priestess Neferet from bringing
darkness into their House of Night. I can't say too much, since this is #9 after all (which, by the way, this
series is way drawn out, but I
keep reading them anyways!). Overall, I would probably give this book
three out of five stars. It's a
good, easy read and very entertaining.
And finally,
finally after waiting a
freaking year for this book to come out,
Crossed by Ally Condie went on sale. I
cannot explain my excitement and I certainly couldn't contain it. Matched, the first book, is one of my
all time favorites and I
previously raved about it in a much earlier post.
I reread Matched (
loved it, again) and was again
just in awe over how wonderful the author lets this
story take shape. I adore her writing, the
way her characters interact, and
everything about how her words flow and stick in your brain. Crossed just gets
even-freaking-better. This book is told in Cassia's point of view
as well as Ky's. Can I just
say how much I love reading Ky's point of view? He is one
of the best male main characters I
have ever read, ever. I
really liked seeing his world
through his point of view and being able to understand so many more things because of
how he sees them.
In this book,
Cassia is bound and determined to get to the Outer Provinces (Oh yeah,
*spoiler* alert. Skip this paragraph if you
haven't read the first book!) to
find Ky, who was taken from his home in Oria Province.
Cassia finds a way to escape, as does Ky, and
they begin the journey to find one another. Cassia is
also trying to find The Rising, an organized
rebellion against The Society. In this book, we
meet a lot of new characters and learn a lot more about The Society. Ally Condie
works her magic again and
brings poems and lyrics to life, weaving
them through her story effortlessly. Her books are
just plain music to read. I love this book,
even though there were times that I
got so angry I had to put it down, take a
deep breath, and remember that it
was a story. It feels that real. Last night, when I finished reading it, I
wanted to cry because it ended and I have to wait again
for the third one.
I would give this book
five out of five stars. I
seriously, absolutely, fully love this book. The
love story is beautiful and the adventure kept
my heart racing the entire time. People, please
go read this book? Awesome. You
can thank me later. :)
Your-Welcoming-ly Yours,
I need to read Matched! And now the new one!
You so do!! You will LOVE them!
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