Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I am the kind of reader who will read anything! I really will. I love fiction, historical fiction, romance, sci-fi, fantasy, etc. You name it, I'll read it. But lately? I am totally addicted to gritty high school/college romance novels (mostly college ones). It all started with Easy by Tammara Webber (I reviewed it in July's book edition). That book was awesome and I have not stopped thinking about it since! In fact, I really want to reread it.
Ok, so technically, I read Beautiful Disaster before Easy, but Easy was ten times better and what really got me going on this book trend. I just finished Crash by Nicole Williams, which is more on the high school spectrum, but ends at the beginning of college. Another great find! I'm onto the sequel, Clash, and am in so much love/hate with this book!
I have been all over Goodreads and Barnes&Noble.com searching for more books like these. I'm not technically allowed to purchase any books right now (it's a long story, but basically I am supposed to read all the ones I own first. Crazy, huh?), so I have been downloading a ton of free books and samples of ones that look promising. I don't know what's come over me, but this book trend has got me totally addicted!
Any good books like this you want to send my way? Go right ahead!

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