Thursday, September 29, 2011

Books: September Edition

Alright friends, September is almost over (wow, can you believe it!?) and I previously made a goal to read at least two books a month while I am in school. I want to read more (I am constantly thinking stuff like, "Wow, wish I could be reading instead of doing this Health homework!" or something similar), but alas, school is challenging and my time is already spread out too thin.
I actually managed to meet my goal! :) And that makes me happy. So here is a summery and my opinion of both books I read.
First, I read The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. Now, don't immediately think, "Oh, it's about a historian? BORING!" because this book is the opposite of boring. Let me tell you. In this book, a young girl discovers a dark secret about her father and ends up journeying all over Europe to find the truth about her family:that their past is linked to that of Vlad the Impaler's, otherwise known as Dracula. Pretty much that is all I can say about this book for fear of ruining any part of it. I would definitely give this book 4 stars (out of 5). The author is an amazing writer and the storyline is insanely intricate and astonishing. It was a tad long, and in some parts long-winded, but on the whole, this book was awesome.Second, I read Passion by Lauren Kate. This is the third book in a series (the first book is Fallen and the second is Torment) about fallen angels and the battle between heaven and hell. I wont say much, so I don't spoil the first two books for you. The main character, Luce, has been dying over and over again and being reborn because her love for Daniel, a fallen angel, kills her in every life. She doesn't know why this happens. In this book, she starts to figure out the reasons behind everything happening in her life, as well as the truth about her and Daniel. Luce wants to stop the curse that keeps them from being together. Honestly, I would probably give this book about 2.8 stars (I know my sister will yell at me for this), not because it's a bad book, but because I think it's slightly juvenile. This book is written for teens, but in my opinion, it's written for very young teens. The storyline is interesting (which is why I keep reading the series), but the writing is simplistic, sometimes boring, and the author seems to skim over numerous events where she could have really gone into some detail and depth. If you are looking for a fun, "chick-flick-y" kind of book to read, this is a good one, but that's pretty much all it is. (After reading some of the reviews on, I'm a little frightened of being attacked by a bunch of fans of these books now... ha ha.)
Honestly yours,

P.S. For October I am reading the Secret Circle and The Vampire Diaries again, ya know, to fit in with the Halloween theme. I'm excited! :)

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