Tuesday, November 6, 2012

First Crochet Project

So, a couple of months ago (geez, it's been a while) I decided I needed to crochet myself a scarf. Which also meant I needed to learn how to crochet, ha ha. So I found this awesome infinity scarf pattern and fell in love. I just had to make it! So I gathered my supplies and with a little help from my mother-in-law, I made this. It hasn't been cold enough to wear it yet, but I can't wait until I finally get the chance!
I love this scarf because I can wear it just like this, or loop it again for that chunky (and warmer) look. It is super cute and versatile. 

 This is also one of my favorite shades of green. I love the mossy forest green color and the yarn is super warm and soft.
I couldn't help showing it off to my family and my mom loved it, too. So I made her a similar one in a deep, ruby red. We can be twinners when it gets cold! 

So even though I hate being cold, bring on the winter weather, I am ready! 



Jillian said...

You are amazing!! I can't believe you learned how to crochet and then made THAT! It's a-mazing!! I am very very impressed.

cait_hammond said...
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Caitlin Skye said...

Thanks! It was so much fun and it's super warm. :) we need to get together!!!