Wow people, Christmas is in
8, holy cow, 8 days! I can't believe it.
I really can't. Here I was, thinking I have the
whole wonderful month of
December left and then wham! I am looking at the calendar and
it is the 17th! I am
just blown away.
So my
sweet momma and her hubby Glenn are
treating all the kids to the
Twelve Days of Christmas. Basically, we get
presents everyday and it rocks. I feel
extremely spoiled, to say the least. Yesterday, which was the
fourth day of Christmas, we got Milano Cookies. Mmm. I can't
wait to see what we get today!
Also, here are some pictures of the
decorations I have up around the house and our cute
Christmas tree with borrowed ornaments from Brad's mom.

last, but best, here are
some pictures of our
sweet puppy Molly! She is our
adorable new baby and I
love her so much already. She is the sweetest puppy. We have had her for
two weeks now!

With only 8 days left til Christmas, we
have a lot of shopping to do! Luckily, I am done
with my finals and should have
plenty of time to get everything done for the holidays!
I love Christmas!Merrily yours,
CaitP.S. Sorry for the crappy quality of the pictures. They were taken on my phone since my camera is MIA.