I will start out with
the good news, which is, I finally found a new job! I cannot even describe how happy I am to be starting something new, especially when it
just seems so perfect. I got a job working as a teller at Central Bank in Pleasant Grove. A few of the best things about this job? I have a
nice, set schedule (so I will no longer go crazy not knowing when I am supposed to be working!), with people that seem super awesome, and be getting paid a dollar more than I was getting, just to start out! It works with my school schedule and is in a
great location for me, which, I'll be honest, works because it is between school and Brad's house (I am never at my own house >.< ha ha). So that is my good news!
And a
bit of randomness. Ok, so I have been dating Brad for almost exactly a year and four months now, and I am still not over how
stinkin' difficult it is to get him to take pictures with me and/or let me take pictures of him. I know, I post plenty on my blog, but have you
noticed how they are always the same ones? I finally got a new one up, but that is the exception to the rule. So, I decided to post some pictures of me
trying to get him on film. Oh, he would probably kill me for this. ;)

See how he's
not looking at the camera??

love the way he smiles. :) This one is actually pretty darn good.

This is
what I usually get!!
Gotta love that I-am-avoiding-that-dang-camera-using-my-sunglasses expression
on his face... *sigh*
Ok, this one is just cute. :)
But still!